Victory in 2024 George Washington’s Last War MMXXIV: America's Turning Point

Victory in 2024 George Washington’s Last War MMXXIV: America's Turning Point

by Don Ray Hope (Author) As seen in a Kindle Edition

One of the most telling events in the life of this Man of Destiny will not be found in any of our high school or college history texts. But it certainly should be! This is the time when George Washington is purported to have had a vision that described the future of the Republic -- included were victory in the Revolutionary War; the fighting between Americans in a Civil War; and a third World War yet to come. Did it happen that the great General momentarily dozed and dreamed or was he daydreaming while sitting in his headquarters at Valley Forge? Did he actually experience an angelic visit at this time?

Under the executive order as US President, Donald Trump established a 20-member group serving a two-year term, which is to write a report on “core principles of the American founding and how these principles may be understood to further enjoyment of ‘the blessings of liberty’". Trump announced the new commission in a speech on September 17, 2020, in which he stated that a "twisted web of lies" regarding systemic racism was currently being taught in U.S. schools. The commission's goal is to end what it calls the "radicalized view of American history" which has "vilified the United States' Founders and its founding".

Don Ray Hope has unlocked how similar events repeat with mathematical precision throughout history. God designed His perfect universe this way. Thus with mathematics you can predict the future! The forecasts of Washington, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus and other prophets are arranged in a specifically dated timeline and the future of America is laid out in stunning detail. America is at a turning point. Most Americans will not live to see 2024 will you? The guideposts are contained herein. The families that own the Federal Reserve are the same families that nearly one hundred years ago inflated the German mark to worthlessness. The result was WWII and the destruction of Germany. The USA shall suffer the same fate. The dollar will collapse, WWIII will break out and the US government will collapse and be destroyed. The truth God told George Washington via an Angel at Valley Forge was that later America will rise from the ashes of this war and that America’s Victory is guaranteed.


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